
About Me

(how nosy of you)

I was born in a small town (or village, depends on whom you ask) in the heart of the Basque Country. I studied piano at the Francisco Escudero Conservatory in Donostia/San-Sebastian, and after finishing my High School studies in 2018, I moved to Barcelona in order to start a Bachelor’s degree in Composition at the ESMUC (Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya), where I’ve studied with Mauricio Sotelo and Christophe Havel. Since October 2022 I now study at the Universität der Künste Berlin with Elena Mendoza and Daniel Ott.



To the left you can see me among some amazing friends I made in Festival Mixtur 2021

I consider myself to be equal parts goofy and intense. I am lively, an extrovert and above all an avid overthinker. If you meet me in person I will most probably have a smile on my face, but on the inside I could be having an existential crisis. I’m a taurus after all…

To the right you can see me getting sucked into a vortex in a M. C. Escher exposition.

Apart from composing, I am still somewhat active as a piano player. In 2020 I took part in various contemporary ensembles, in which I played Saariaho’s “Solar” and Ligeti’s “Kammerkonzert” between others. I would love to keep on engaging in future projects as a performer.



To the left you can see me and my roommates after singing/playing Mozart’s Requiem.

I am also very interested in languages and everything linguistics related. In my final thesis I proposed and defined a compositional process in which diverse musical materials could directly generate and develop linguistic ideas until the point where a functioning language is created, thus forming a polyphony with the music.



To the right you can see me with a couple of friends being very responsible students and brainstorming about our theses in Bordeaux.

Still here? Wow, I didn’t know my life was that interesting…

Anyway, just in case:

Contact Me!

(i don’t really use facebook don’t message me there)