Hey there! Welcome to my newly premiered Nachrichten page (hooray!), a page where I will occasionally write new posts to inform you about upcoming events, projects, premieres, media or even to keep you updated about my day-to-day life.

As of now there’s not much else to say, as this was supposed to be nothing more than an opening post. Let’s hope that I don’t forget about this little page and that I can keep it updated!

See you around 🙂

P.S.: You can also leave a comment in the box below if you like!

1 Gedanken zu „My first post!“

  1. Hi Mr. Kalle

    I love you, I want to cimmission a thing. Opera for 20 soloists and 3 orchestras with bagpiper and left-handed conductor. It is a part of me artistry.

    see you in


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