The 20th of June of 2022 my graduation piece Asterioi was premiered at the Sala 2 of L’Auditori in Barcelona, as part of the 20th edition of the Premi Joan Guinjoan concert. It was an extremely exciting event for me, not only because it was my graduation concert or because I consider Asterion to be the culminating piece of my studies and musical experience in Barcelona, but also because it was my début as a conductor.

After two years of conducting class with Xavier Puig and an extensive workshop with Ernest Martinez Izquierdo at ESMUC, I was given the opportunity and even encouraged to conduct my own piece at the graduation event. I worked relentlessly for it and even though I am totally aware that my conducting technique is far from perfect, I had a blast on stage, and it was tremendously enriching for me to be able to work my piece first hand with such amazing performers. I am and will forever be extremely thankful to all the people that made this opportunity possible —especially to the performers (who are all dear friends of mine) and both the aforementioned teachers— and, of course, to my composition teacher Christophe Havel and everyone that accompanied me along the way in this final stretch of my degree. I hope I have more such opportunities regarding conducting in the future!

Below you can watch the video of the Premi Joan Guinjoan Concert. Hope you enjoy it ✨

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